Winter Aconite. Yellow flowers. Good ground cover
- No of Bulbs: 8
- Flower Colour: Yellow
- Flowering Time: February/March
- Flowering Height: 10cm/4 inches
- Planting Depth: 5cm/2 inches
- Planting Distance: 5cm/2 inches
- Planting Time: August Onwards
- Soil/Position: Eranthis like soil that is moist all year round, avoid dry areas. Ideal situation would be winter sun and summer shade.
- Application: Excellent for naturalising at the edge of borders, containers, rockeries, between paving and woodland.
- Torwood Tip: Why not plant a Winter Corner near the house along with Anemone Blanda, Chionodoxa (Glory of the Snow), Iris Reticulata and Galanthus Nivalis (Snowdrops)?